姓 名:王德华
邮 箱:wangdh@gznu.edu.cn
博士:2009.09-2014.07 ,北京师范大学 ,天体物理专业
本科:2005.09-2009.07 ,中国地质大学(北京)
2014.09—至今 ,贵州师范大学 ,物理与电子科学学院 ,教授
1、低质量 X 射线双星准周期震荡
2、指导学生情况:共指导5名硕士研究生 ,其中指导研究生发表论文
[1] Ye Chang-Qing, Wang De-Hua, et al., Exploring the accretion-induced evolution of the spin period and magnetic field strength of Be/X-ray Pulsars, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2020, 365(7): 126
[2] Ye Chang-Qing, Wang De-Hua, et al., Evolution implications of neutron star
magnetic fields : inferred from pulsars and cyclotron lines of HMXBs, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2019, 364(11) : 198
[3] 刁振琪, 王德华, 等, 中子星中心致密天体的双星起源, 2020, 天文学报, 61(5) : 56
[4] 叶长青, 王德华, 等, X 射线双星回旋吸收线研究进展, 2019, 天文学进展, 37(2) : 129
[1] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Parallel tracks of kHz QPOs: implication of the bimodal luminosity components in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 520(1) : 1339
[2] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Lei Ya-Juan, Exploring the Accretion Disk
Structure and X-ray Radiation of GX 17+2 Based on kHz QPOs and Cross-correlations, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022, 22(12): 125010
[3] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Qu Jin-Lu, Jia Shu-Mei, Kilohertz quasi-periodic
oscillations as probes of the X-ray color-color diagram and neutron star
accretion-disk structure for Z sources, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, 642: A117 [4] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, The parallel tracks of kHz QPOs in low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1728-34: explorer of the bimodal accretion modes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 497(3) : 2893
[5] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Wang Shuang-Qiang, Investigation on the Binary
Millisecond Pulsars at Radio and γ-Ray Wavelengths : Links with the Orbital Parameters, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2020, 132(1013) : 074202
[6] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Wang Shuang-Qiang, Investigation of the
Millisecond Pulsar Origins by their Spin Periods at the Wavebands of Radio, X-Ray,
and γ-Ray, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2019, 131(996) : 024201
[7] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Qu Jin-Lu, The kHz QPOs as a probe of the X-ray color-color diagram and accretion-disk structure for the atoll source 4U 1728-34, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018, 618: A181
[8] Wang De-Hua, Zhang Cheng-Min, Qu Jin-Lu, Yang Yi-Yan, Correlations between the frequencies of twin kHz QPOs and spins of neutron stars in LMXBs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 473(4) : 4862
[9] Wang D. H., Zhang C. M., Lei Y. J., Chen L., Qu J. L., Zhi Q. J., Probing the accretion disc structure by the twin kHz QPOs and spins of neutron stars in LMXBs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 466(1) : 1111
[10] Wang D. H., Chen L., Zhang C. M., Lei Y. J., Qu J. L., Song L. M.,
Investigation of the emission radii of kHz QPOs for the accreting millisecond X-Ray pulsars, Atoll and Z sources, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
2015, 454(2) : 1231
[11] Wang D. H., Chen L., Zhang C. M., Lei Y. J., Qu J. L., Statistical properties of twin kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in neutron star low-mass X-ray
binaries, Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, 335(2) : 168
[12] Wang D. H., Chen L., Zhang C. M., Lei Y. J., Qu J. L., Constraints on
kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation models and stellar equations of state from SAX J1808.4 –3658, Cyg X-2 and 4U 1820 –30, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 2013, 435(4) : 3494
[13] Zhang Cheng-Min, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Evolution of Spin Period and
Magnetic Field of the Crab Pulsar: Decay of the Braking Index by the Particle Wind Flow Torque, universe, 2022, 8(12) : 628
[14] Cui Xiang-Han, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Luminosity distribution of fast radio bursts from CHIME/FRB Catalog 1 by means of the updated Macquart relation,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2022, 367(7) : 66
[15] Zhang J. W., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Simulation of the gravitational wave
frequency distribution of neutron star-black hole mergers, Chinese Physics B, 2021, 30(12) : 120401
[16] Zhang J. W., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Gaussian mixture models of the total mass distribution of stellar black holes from LIGO-Virgo GWTC-2: Implications on the origin of GW190521, Physical Review D, 2021, 104(10) : 103010
[17] Wang S. Q., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Unusual Emission Variations Near the
Eclipse of Black Widow Pulsar PSR J1720-0533, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 922(1) : L13
[18] Cui Xiang-Han, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Statistical tests of young radio pulsars with/without supernova remnants: implying two origins of neutron stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 508(1) : 279
[19] Jia S. M., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Study on the Energy Limits of kHz QPOs in Sco X-1 with RXTE and Insight-HXMT Observations, Astrophysical Journal, 2021,
913(2) : 119
[20] Yang Yi-Yan, ..., Wang De-Hua, Constraints on the kinetic energy of type-Ic supernova explosion from young PSR J1906+0746 in a double neutron star candidate, Chinese Physics B, 2021, 30(6) : 068703
[21] Wang S. Q., ..., Wang D. H., et al., High plasma cut-off frequency blocks the
radio emission from accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2020, 365(3) : 47
[22] Ye Chang-Qing, Wang De-Hua, et al., Exploring the accretion-induced evolution of the spin period and magnetic field strength of Be/X-ray Pulsars, Astrophysics
and Space Science, 2020, 365(7): 126
[23] Wu Qing-Dong, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Luminosity of a radio pulsar and its new emission death line, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 20(11) : 188 [24] Ye Chang-Qing, Wang De-Hua, et al., Evolution implications of neutron star
magnetic fields : inferred from pulsars and cyclotron lines of HMXBs, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2019, 364(11): 198
[25] Wang S. Q., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Interpretation of no radio pulsar inside supernova 1987A: The high plasma cut-off frequency by the remnant media, New
Astronomy, 2019, 69: 43
[26] Wang Shuang-Qiang, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., An Explanation for the
Undetection of Radio Pulsar in Supernova 1987A, Chinese Physics Letters, 2017, 34(12) : 129702
[27] Shang Lun-Hua, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., State Switching of the X-Ray/Radio Transitional Millisecond Pulsar, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 849(2) : 87
[28] Shang Lun-Hua, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Investigating the multifrequency
pulse profiles of PSRs B0329+54 and B1642-03 in an inverse Compton scattering model, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 468(4) : 4389
[29] Yang Yi-Yan, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Similarity of PSR J1906+0746 TO PSR
J0737 –3039: A Candidate of a New Double Pulsar System?, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 835(2) : 185
[30] Zhang Yue-Zhu, ..., Wang D. H., Spin-down of Pulsars, and Their
Electromagnetic and Gravitational Wave Radiations, Chinese Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 2016, 40(2): 210
[31] Lei Ya-Juan, ..., Wang De-Hua, et al., Evolution of the Cross-correlation and Time Lag of 4U 1735-44 along the Branches, The Astronomical Journal, 2013, 146(3) : 60
[32] Li Zhao-sheng, ..., Wang De-hua, The cross spectral time lag evolution along branches in XTE J1701-462, The Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 767(2) : 167
[33] Wang J., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Morphological analysis on the coherence of kHz QPOs, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012, 342(2) : 357
[34] Li Zhaosheng, ..., Wang Dehua, Spectral Lags Obtained by CCF of Smoothed Light Curves, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012, 124(914):
[35] Wang J., ..., Wang D. H., et al., Statistical analysis for the Q-factor of twin kHz QPOs, Astronomische Nachrichten, 2012, 333(3) : 274
[36] 刁振琪, 王德华, 等, 中子星中心致密天体的双星起源, 2020, 天文学报, 61(5) : 56
[37] 叶长青, 王德华, 等, X 射线双星回旋吸收线研究进展, 2019, 天文学进展, 37(2): 129
[38] 吴庆东, 王德华, 等, 低能损率射电脉冲星辐射研究, 2019, 天文学报, 60(2): 10
[39] 王双强, …, 王德华, 等, 特殊类型脉冲星的研究进展, 2018, 天文学进展, 36(1): 1
[40] 刘鹏, … , 王德华, 等, 中子星质量分布与诞生方式的研究, 2018, 天文学报, 59(3) : 27
[41] 杨佚沿, …, 王德华, 等, 双中子星质量分布的统计研究, 2016, 天文学报, 57(6): 647
[42] 付妍妍, …, 王德华, 中子星吸积加速与引力辐射影响, 2015, 天文学报, 56(3) : 225
[43] 张月竹, …, 王德华, 脉冲星减速研究与电磁和引力波辐射, 2015, 天文学报, 56(3) : 235
[44] 张亮, … , 王德华, 黑洞暂现源中的准周期振荡现象, 2014, 天文学进展, 32(3) : 313
[45] 程争, … , 王德华,等, 中子星质量分布的统计研究, 2013, 天文学报, 54(6): 514
[46] 卜庆翠, …, 王德华, 伽玛暴数据处理中的贝叶斯方法, 2013, 天文学进展, 31(3): 326
[47] 李兆升, …, 王德华, 伽玛射线暴的光度-光变复杂度关系, 2011, 天文学进展, 29(2) : 168
[1] 张承民 ,潘元月 ,王德华 ,杨佚沿 , 中子星与脉冲星天体物理 ,科学出版社 ,2019 , 197 千字 , ISBN:9787030492821
[1] 低质量 X 射线双星 atoll/Z 源辐射性质及演化 , 国家自然科学基金 , 12163001 ,主持 [2] 低质量 X 射线双星千赫兹准周期震荡研究 , 国家自然科学基金 , 11703003 ,主持
[3] 基于 FAST 飘移扫描巡天的脉冲星统计观测和理论研究 , 国家自然科学基金 , U1731238 ,参与 [4] 低质量 X 射线双星辐射性质及演化研究 ,贵州省科学技术基金 ,黔科合基础[2020]1Y016 ,主持 [5] 吸积中子星 atoll/Z 源演化研究 ,贵州省科学技术基金 ,黔科合 LH 字[2016]7226 号 ,主持
[6] 中子星千赫兹准周期震荡研究 ,贵州省科学技术基金 ,黔科合 J 字[2015]2113 号 ,主持